It Was Not
About Race.

It Was About Culture.


When the first European settlers arrived on the shores of what is now America, culture played a major part in how the native people and the newly arrived people related to each other. The immigrant European settlers brought with them their Western Culture.


Even though most of the European settlers were indentured servants, they still considered the culture of the native people to be an inferior culture. Then, as Africans began to arrive as indentured servants, the African culture also seemed inferior to the more dominate Europeans.


History is an age-old chronicle of more advanced cultures conquering less advanced cultures. In some ways this is how civilization itself advances in the world.


The issue was not Race, rather, for the more dominate Europeans, the issue was Culture.


Race was not an issue at this early date since racial classifications had not been established. Rather, the Europeans saw the Native and African people as primitive with a lesser developed culture


It actually would not have made sense for the European’s to abandon their cultural advantages and adopt the less civilized preliterate tribal cultures. In fact, it would have been impossible to make such a regression initially. Survival and cultural identity were the unifying and motivational factors that gave them the ability to establish themselves in the new land.


This, then, is not to establish a right or wrong determination. Taking the land from the Native people and eventually making slaves of some of the African people was wrong in retrospect. However, how far do we go back in establishing blame and right and wrong? Humans had been taking territory and enslaving others since the beginning of recorded history. The Native people here, and the African people in their homeland, likely had participated in similar activity before the establishment of Colonial America.


Our objective here is to establish the fact that Race is actually a misconception derived from Culturalism and that race is not the central issue.


The Clash of Cultures.


To effectively deal with race issues, we must identify the actual cause of dissension between various groups of people and deal with the root cause. We must deal with the clash of cultures to effectively overcome the divisional factors we now attribute to race.


This is why the concept of a single American culture was so effective in the past. America was considered a “Cultural Melting Pot” where all races and cultures were blended into a single national united culture. It is culture that binds groups and nations together.


While the concept of “Diversity” appears to be ideal by some for a multi-cultural nation, actually, a sense of national Diversity should be avoided rather than promoted.  The fact that “Diversity is derived from the word “Divide” is a good indication why another approach should be used to unite the population. After all, most of us are familiar with the quote, “United we stand, divided we fall.”


For America to be united, there must be a single unifying national culture.  We must reestablish an understanding and appreciation of the founding principles of this nation. These principles are set forth in the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.


“The Declaration of Independence marked the birth of our republic and set forth our “unalienable rights” to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Later, the Bill of Rights and Constitution outlined our style of government and defined the rights that are protected from intrusion by government.”(1)


These documents, and the principals they set forth, served our nation well for over 200 years, helping to make America a beacon for freedom throughout the world and the most prosperous of nations. Even in the dark times of slavery, war and social upheaval, the principles of our “unalienable rights” to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness led the way to the light of seeking equality and freedom for all.  While not perfect, the established goals are exemplary.


This is why the emphasis on different races must be challenged and abandoned. The history of racial studies is both shameful and full of deceptive, misleading and false notions. The ambiguous nature of the concept of race discredits any assumptions or determinations.


The concept of “Race” has done more to harm human kind than any other scientific or academic endeavor.


Form the beginning, Race was viewed and distorted through a Cultural lenses.


In 1787, a French naturalist proposed that the existence of racial differences were caused by varying climates. Gradually the concept of different races was influenced by the belief that European culture was superior to, what was considered to be, inferior primitive cultures.


It was a Swedish botanist and naturalist who later suggested the division of humans into various racial groups. This initiated a sordid history of comparing human beings with an obvious cultural bias.


The shameful saga of racial science is detailed in “A Short History of the Race Concept” by Michael Yudell, PhD, MPH,  (2).


In it he notes: “If racial science is science employed for the purpose of degrading a people both intellectually and physically, then beginning in the 19th century, American scientists played an increasingly active role in its development, all the while shaping the race concept.”


A reading of Dr. Yudell’s “…History of the Race Concept”, will more than support my contention that the concept of race is erroneous and onerous. In addition a lesson in the online lesson "Teaching Holocaust and Human Behavior" with the title "The Concept of Race" further reiterates sordid fallacy of racial designations. (2b)


It is time to move forward with the scientific fact that we are all members of a single race on Earth, i.e., the Human Race. We are all part of the single Homo sapiens family. Certainly we have developed various physical features, traits, characteristics, heritages and cultures over the last 300,000 or so years of roaming over the Earth and intermingling, however, we are all at least cousins in the same family of human kind.


To be effective, we must abandon the concept of race and approach the issue of “Culturalism” in our society. People who try to make race the primary issue are simply mistaken or have ulterior motives. A problem simply cannot be solved if the diagnosis of the problem is incorrect.


Those who promote the concept of race and racism will offer determined resistance. For some, the benefits of dividing our nation and accessing racial blame are far too effective and rewarding to abandon. Once again race, and the use of the concept of race, is doing great harm. In this case, causing more harm than any enemy we have faced as a nation


Since “Culture” was the originating factor in the creation of the false concept of “Race” and “Racism”, we can only solve the problem by a better understanding of what “Culture” actually is.


What is Culture?


Culture is the intellectual and physical achievements, knowledge, and characteristics of a social group of people. The primary factors of Culture include language, beliefs, music, arts and social values such as folkways and mores.


Folkways are the social norms for what is considered polite and rude. To violate cultural folkways may cause an individual to be shunned socially.


Mores are social norms for what is considered right and wrong in the society. Violating cultural mores is far more serious and often has very severe consequences that might lead to punishment, imprisonment, or banishment from the society. To violate social mores such as child molestation, rape, assault, robbery or general lawlessness is culturally and socially unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


Therefore, individuals or groups within, or outside, a particular culture will be treated with equal and similar reactions to violations of cultural folkways by being scorned and rejected by the cultural mainstream.


Likewise, individuals or groups within, or outside, a particular culture will be treated with equal and similar reactions to violations of cultural mores in a far more harsh and extreme manner. Not only will they be socially ostracized, but will often be penalized severely.


Since individuals or groups that violate cultural social norms are treated the same, if within or not within the culture, it cannot be said that there are distinctions made based on skin color or territorial origin.


This cultural reaction to anti-social behavior is natural and essential for the preservation of the cultural social order and well-being. Even some animal groups establish social norms that are enforced to preserve the order of the animal group.


To call individuals within a culture "Racist" because they object to violations of their established cultural folkways and mores, along with laws and regulations, is not only inaccurate but also inflammatory. To consider simple people who hold to such cultural norms as ignorant is itself social ignorance.


So how do we deal with a nation that is Multi-Cultural and still have a cohesive society and single national identity as a nation?


The American Culture is a culture based on individual freedom.


While the American culture has evolved primarily from what is known as Western Culture, the freedom of the individual citizens is paramount. In America the individual citizen is protected with a Constitution and Bill or Rights that is the foundation of the Culture.


“The term "Western culture" has come to define the culture of European countries as well as those that have been heavily influenced by European immigration, such as the United States, according to Khan University. Western culture has its roots in the Classical Period of the Greco-Roman era and the rise of Christianity in the 14th century.”


“Other drivers of Western culture include Latin, Celtic, Germanic and Hellenic ethnic and linguistic groups. Today, the influences of Western culture can be seen in almost every country in the world.” (3)


The Native pre-American Culture (so called “Indians) had some minor influence on American Culture, however, mainstream American Culture today reflects influences, to some degree, from Africans, as well as many other cultures from all over the world.


However, mainstream American Culture, while multi-cultural, is driven today by the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, the Bill or Rights and the Laws and Regulations established by the nation. Any citizen that adheres to these principals and laws is protected even from some of the various cultural folkways, mores and social norms within any of the particular cultures that make up the mainstream American culture.


Individual citizens and social groups that set themselves apart from mainstream American Culture, therefore, are subject to the same social ostracism and cultural intolerance as in any other culture.


For example, considering women inferior and subordinate with limited rights is unacceptable, even if a religion or particular culture subscribes to such treatment. Forming into an unruly and lawless mob destroying private property and assaulting innocent victims is as offensive as it is unlawful. Implementing cultural or religious laws in conflict with United States Laws are not allowed. Imposing social or religious dominance that imposes limits on personal individual freedom of adult citizens is illegal and subject to penalty.


None call it Racism.


For this reason, calling a person a “Racist” and ascribing false reasoning and blame to citizens in good standing and adherence with the established social, legal and cultural norms of this nation is not only non-productive, but also detrimental to the cohesion of mainstream American Culture. This leads to social animosity and division within the social order along with serious deterioration of the culture.


Deviant social behavior, when it comes to established cultural mores, laws and regulations, is deplorable and should be identified for what it actually is. It should not be justified or condoned by charging others with "Racism".


Likewise, placing general accusations of wrongs in the past by stereotyping people today using racial terms like "White", "Black", "Brown" or "Yellow is abhorrent behavior and should not be tolerated. Making such false charges by arbitrary grouping individuals by skin color alone without any factual reason is irresponsible, insulting and absurd.


Identifying the issue as Cultural differences, as opposed to Racism, is the only way we can address the actual problem, Only then can we begin to implement an effective solution to the issue. Being “politically correct” will not work. It is time for each individual to rid themselves of a racialist mindset and consider what they can do individually to stop the name calling and stereotypical accusations made toward fellow citizens.


It is time to analyze the problems associated with what we now refer to as “Racism” and dig down to the actual and factual root cause of the division. We need to face the truth without bias or equivocation. Behavior in conflict or violation of the National American culture should be identified for what it is and addressed in a social and legal manner.


Otherwise, all citizens in good social standing within the Culture should be afforded all rights and privileges of a free people with liberty and justice for each and all.


Only then can we begin to resolve our disunion as a nation. Only then can we rid ourselves of the restrictive bonds of false and misleading causation and find effective remedy for the dissension and acrimony we experience today in America.


Only then can we be truly free individual citizens without discord and resentment.


Let’s begin to identify “Racism” for the falsification it actually is, and admit that the social restraints, standards and laws of American Culture are necessary and beneficial to our national strength and well-being.


Let’s hold every individual American responsible for their behavior as citizens at the same time we afford them the benefits of citizenship in our wonderful nation along with the cultural advantages we all enjoy.


Waylon Allen

August 25, 2019


(1) National Center For Constitutional Studies

Introduction to America’s Founding Documents

(2) A Short History of the Race Concept
(2b) From "Teaching Holocaust and Human Behavior" Lesson 5, "The Concept of Race"


What is Culture

by Kim Ann Zimmerman, February 19, 2014



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It Was Not About Race.
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A commentary from a different perspective about Race Relations and reason for concern by Waylon Allen