Is Race Real?

Not Really.


How did the concept of “Race” get started?


It was simply made up.


The idea of race was developed primarily in the early 18th century by “scientists” to explain the diversity of human beings and justify subjugating people, thought to be of “inferior races”, for domination and slavery. By making certain groups of humans distinct and set apart from the whole of humankind, it was possible to rationalize that a group of people were not subject to the proposition that “all men are created equal.”


People were distinguished by the civilized degree of their culture in comparison to the culture of European or “Western Civilization”. The fact that most of these, so called, “inferior races” had darker skin and existed in primitive and less advanced tribal cultures, made the distinction easier to justify.


However, all this scientific mumbo jumbo was false. There is no such thing as “Race” or "inferior races" in the context it was being characterized.


"The idea of race – the belief that the peoples of the world can be organized into biologically distinctive groups, each with their own physical, social and intellectual characteristics – is understood by most natural and social scientists to be an unsound concept." (1)


As Dr. Loring Brace of the University of Michigan states, “There is no such thing as a biological entity that warrants the term “Race”. (2)


So why are we still accepting the existence of race and racism today?


The answer must be mass ignorance. Considering that a primary issue in America today is race and racism, people must be ignorant of the fact that "Race" is not real.


People are calling others “Racist”, which in effect, establishes and promotes the concept of race itself. The mental acceptance that “your race is different from my race”, simply validates the concept and perpetuates ignorance. People are actually perpetrating violence toward one another today based on the perceived legitimacy of the existence of race and racial distinctions.


As absurd as it sounds, most people today actually believe in “Race” and think, and function socially, with the absolute certainty that people are different racially.


Not only are we humans members of a single race, i.e., the human race, we are also scientifically of one species, i.e., the Homo sapiens species.


It is well known that only members of the same species can breed fertile offspring. The mixed up nature of humans validates the fact that we are all one blended people….the people of Earth.


Even in this age of DNA proof that every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human being, we still cling and struggle with the concept of “my race” and "your race".


The concept has deteriorated to such a level of absurdity today, that people distort the concept of pure racial identity into fabricated distinct skin color designations such as “White”, “Black”, “Brown”, and “Yellow”.  While the variation of skin tones actually spread over a vast range of different shades, still we are forced into generalized and stereotypically categories of distinct “racial skin colors”.


(A note about skin color, “recent genetic studies show skin color may drastically change in as few as 100 generations, spanning 2,500 years as a result of environmental influences. (3)


Since we humans have existed on this planet for over 300,000 years in varying environments, it is easy to see why we have changed skin colors in different geological locations during that time.


(Another side note about color that irritates me somewhat personally. I hear people refer to themselves and others as “people of color” indicating that “white people” have no color. Once again we see, seemingly, mass ignorance. In actuality, “Black” has no color and “White” consists of all colors. So please, if you must use a color term for people you want to label as “Black”, please refer to them as people of “No Color”; and people you want to label “White” as people of “All Colors” ….just to be factual and keep me from being confused.)


Let’s murder the concept of Race


Any time a person uses the word “Race” or “Racist”, they help to keep the ridiculous concept alive. Let’s kill it!


Let’s begin by knowing and understanding the loathsome and appalling story behind the concept of “Race”


The historical story of the origination of “Race” should dissuade anyone from using or even accepting the use of the word.


A reading of “A Short Reading of the Race Concept” by Michael Yudell, PhD, MPH will provide ample proof that the entire concept of “Race” is bogus and ill begotten. (4). (Click to read)


A similar article, that is part of an online lesson with the title "The Concept of Race" further supports the fact that race is not real. (Click here to read) (4b)


I will not reiterate the information here. If the reading of these article does not give the reader strong reason to remove the word from their vocabulary and refrain from even speaking or thinking the word, then I can add little more.


“The concept of “Race” has done more to harm humankind than any other scientific or academic endeavor.” “...race, and the use of the concept of race, is doing great harm. In this case, causing more harm than any enemy we have faced as a nation” (5)




To refrain from the use of the word “Race” and “Racism” will be difficult at best.


Some will feel it is necessary to label others “Racist” because they feel others believe in racial inferiority and superiority and need to be identified.


Wouldn’t it be better, however, to make such people aware that there is no such thing as race?


Some feel that they have benefited from their ‘racial identity”. They feel grievances from the past need to be remedied and special considerations provided in retribution.


As a “pre American” native, a so called Indian, I can assure you that it is impossible to make retribution for all the wrong that has occurred over the history of humankind.


America will never be returned to the native people and they will never be restored to the proud culture they enjoyed in the past.


The hundreds of thousand of “Irish White Slaves” will never be rectified or even acknowledged widely in the history of Slavery in this hemisphere. (6)


Who today weeps for the over 10 million Africans that died at the hands of other Africans in being rounded up to sell into slavery from their homeland? They died on the forced march to the African shore to be sold or traded by their African captures. They have no grave markers or even any recognition from the ones that escaped alive. (7)


How far do we go back in making up for the wrongs humans have perpetrated on other human beings? Do we go back 100 years, 500 years, 1000 years, or perhaps 200,000 years?


Is it fair to recognize some and not others? Is it possible for we, who live today, to make up for all the wrongs our forbearers committed in the past? Do we not all have grievances somewhere back in our heritage?


Perhaps we should look forward rather than backward. What can we do today to make things better going forward?


When a person calls someone else a “racist” today, then that person validates and promotes the false concept or “race”. By even using the term “race” or “racist”, we are acknowledging the existence of race, and contributing to the problem, rather than helping to solve the problem.


It may be a sacrifice to throw away the “Racial Sword”, “The Racial Shield”, “The Racial Crutch, the “Racial Marker”, or the “Racial Excuse”; however, breaking free of any “Racial Identity”, will be liberating for all American Citizens.


The concept of “Race” is toxic to anyone who holds the belief in any manner. It is false, it is divisive, and it is a form of social ignorance.


We can each make a selfless and personal contribution to our nation by rejecting and eradicating any use of “Race” in relation to one another as citizens.


If you believe in Cause and Effect, Karma, or just simple Christian ideals, then you can bring great benefit and reward to your personal life by forcing the concept of race out of your life.


If you believe in Cause and Effect, Karma, or just simple Christian ideals, then you must realize that promoting "race", either actively or passively, will bring ill effects in your own well being and relationship with others.


Anyone who has held negative feelings toward others regarding racial attitudes, will improve their life by totally repudiating the concept of race.


After all, it we do not believe in “Race” and prove it does not exist, then no one will have justification for racial attitudes. We will all be set free.


Ask yourself, do you want to support and promote the concept of “Race”? Do you want to advocate for “Race” and “Racism”, or do you want to help abolish “Race” and “Racism”.


What you do from this moment on, will be your making such a choice.


Waylon Allen

September 2, 2019




(2) Does Race Exist?

(3) What is the Difference between Race and Ethnicity?


(4b) From "Teaching Holocaust and Human Behavior"
Lesson 5, "The Concept of Race"

(5) The Black and White of Racism

(6) The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves

The Slaves That Time Forgot

(7) It’s Time to Face the Whole Truth About the Atlantic Slave Trade.

History New Network

Additional Articles & Videos

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It Was Not About Race.
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Is Race Real?
Not Really

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A commentary from a different perspective about Race Relations and reason for concern by Waylon Allen